About Me

About Me

About Me

Welcome to my website!

Welcome to my website!

I'm Jisoo, a versatile Product Designer pursuing a Master's in Product & Service Design. I work across the spectrum, designing both tangible products and intangible services, all with a keen focus on human-centred design principles, sustainability, and innovation. Whether as a collaborative team player or a diligent individual worker, I strive to contribute value and insight. I thoroughly enjoy intellectual discussions and am always eager to engage in new fields.

I'm Jisoo, a versatile Product Designer pursuing a Master's in Product & Service Design. I work across the spectrum, designing both tangible products and intangible services, all with a keen focus on human-centred design principles, sustainability, and innovation. Whether as a collaborative team player or a diligent individual worker, I strive to contribute value and insight. I thoroughly enjoy intellectual discussions and am always eager to engage in new fields.



Media Designer

Workshop Lead

Product Designer

Media Designer

Korean Navy

Aug 2023 - Present

AI Workshop Leader

Aalto University

Mar 2023 - Jun 2023

Exhibition Designer

Design Alto

Apr 2020 - Jul 2021

Korean Navy

Aalto University

Design Alto

Aug 2023 - Present

Mar 2023 - Jun 2023

Apr 2020 - Jul 2021


MA Service Deisgn*

MA Product Design*

BA Product Design

MA Service Deign*

Aalto University

2022 - 2023

MA Product Design*

Politecnico di Milano

2021 - 2022

BA Product Design

Glasgow School of Art

2019 - 2021

2022 - 2023

2021 - 2022

2019 - 2021

*MEDes - Master of European Design


Product Design


Service Design

Product Design

Rhino, Sketchup, Keyshot, Fusion 360, Vray


Figma, Framer, Adobe Suite

Service Design

Co-creation methods, Academic research

Rhino, Sketchup, Keyshot, Fusion360, Vray

Figma, Framer, Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, …)

Co-creation methods, Academic research, Presentation








Full professional proficiency


Limited working proficiency


Full professional proficiency

Limited working proficiency (CEFRB2)


Others say I am:



Eun Joo Lee

CEO, Design Alto

"Curious soul,

Open to change"

Kazuki Mori

University of Tokyo

"Goes above

and beyond"

Jung Eun Lee

Director, Seoul National University


Forerunner for innovation"

Minsu Kang

Venture Capitalist, Korea University

"Exceptional leader,

Steadfast in chaos"

Elena Amaglio

Politecnico di Milano

"Embraces novelty,

Constantly evolving"

Hwanjong Roh

Marketing Director, KAIST

"Enthusiastic, Active and

brings Good questions"

Richard Cuthbertson

Professor, University of Oxford

"Reliable Partner"

Yunhao Zhong

Designer, Vivo

"Meticulous & humble"

Uyanga Baasankhuu

IIT, Samsung

"Team player,

Proactive and a Doer"

"Professional and

experienced researcher"

Camila Hergatacorzian

Aalto University


Communication Skill"

Wanlin Li

Politecnico di Milano

More about me :)

More about me :)

Hey!!! Thanks for scrolling all the way down here! I'd love to share a bit more about myself. I've been fortunate to live in six different countries across Asia, America, and Europe since childhood. This exposure to diverse cultures has sparked my enthusiasm for embracing diversity and fuels my unending appetite for new experiences.

My passion currently lies in the realm of startups and technology. I'm exploring potential avenues for establishing a tech-based service in the near future. I have many ideas swirling around, from a reading application and a co-creation platform to a travel service. If any of these pique your interest, I'd be thrilled to collaborate.

Feel free to reach out to me anytime. I'm always eager to engage in any dialogues and discussions! :)

Hey!!! Thanks for scrolling all the way down here! I'd love to share a bit more about myself. I've been fortunate to live in six different countries across Asia, America, and Europe since childhood. This exposure to diverse cultures has sparked my enthusiasm for embracing diversity and fuels my unending appetite for new experiences.

My passion currently lies in the realm of startups and technology. I'm exploring potential avenues for establishing a tech-based service in the near future. I have many ideas swirling around, from a reading application and a co-creation platform to a travel service. If any of these pique your interest, I'd be thrilled to collaborate.

Feel free to reach out to me anytime. I'm always eager to engage in any dialogues and discussions! :)

Others say I am:

"Curious soul,

Open to change"

Kazuki Mori

University of Tokyo

"Goes above

and beyond"

Jung Eun Lee

Director, Seoul National University


Forerunner for innovation"

Minsu Kang

Venture Capitalist, Korea University



Eun Joo Lee

CEO, Design Alto

"Meticulous & humble"

Uyanga Baasankhuu

IIT, Samsung

"Exceptional leader,

Steadfast in chaos"

Elena Amaglio

Politecnico di Milano

"Embraces novelty,

Constantly evolving"

Hwanjong Roh

Marketing Director, KAIST

"Enthusiastic, Active and

brings Good questions"

Richard Cuthbertson

Professor, University of Oxford

"Reliable Partner"

Yunhao Zhong

Designer, Vivo

"Team player,

Proactive and a Doer"

"Professional and

experienced researcher"

Camila Hergatacorzian

Aalto University


Communication Skill"

Wanlin Li

Politecnico di Milano

Others say I am:

"Curious soul,

Open to change"

Kazuki Mori

University of Tokyo

"Goes above

and beyond"

Jung Eun Lee

Director, Seoul National University


Forerunner for innovation"

Minsu Kang

Venture Capitalist, Korea University



Eun Joo Lee

CEO, Design Alto

"Meticulous & humble"

Uyanga Baasankhuu

IIT, Samsung

"Exceptional leader,

Steadfast in chaos"

Elena Amaglio

Politecnico di Milano

"Embraces novelty,

Constantly evolving"

Hwanjong Roh

Marketing Director, KAIST

"Enthusiastic, Active and

brings Good questions"

Richard Cuthbertson

Professor, University of Oxford

"Team player,

Proactive and a Doer"

"Professional and

experienced researcher"

Camila Hergatacorzian

Aalto University

©Jisoo Kim 2023

©Jisoo Kim 2023